1,000 Submissions on Royal Canal Greenway Consultation

1,000 Submissions on Royal Canal Greenway Consultation

Fingal County Council received more than 1,000 submissions and surveys from members of the public in relation to the proposed route for the Royal Canal Urban Greenway. The most recent six week-long phase of consultation ended on Wednesday, July 7.This non-statutory consultation invited the public to share their views on the proposed route. Submissions were accepted through Fingal County Council’s Consultation Portal website, via survey or written submission, and written submissions were also accepted by post.The Royal Canal Urban Greenway is a proposed pedestrian and cycle route along the Royal Canal tow path. Throughout the course of the consultation Fingal County Council provided the public with access to user friendly images and videos of the proposed Greenway as well as a large number of technical drawings and reports relating to the project. These items remain online, along with recordings of two public information webinars delivered during the consultation period.The Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh, said: “It is important that citizens engage in the public consultation process and let their views be known. The response to the Royal Canal Urban Greenway consultation shows the level of interest in the project and it is great that so many took the opportunity to participate.”Fingal County Council is now engaged in reviewing, moderating and publishing all submissions on their consultation portal. Moderation involves the redaction of a submitter’s personal details prior to publication. Due to the high level of public engagement this process is expected to take a number of weeks. Fingal County Council staff have already begun this work with 375 submissions now live on the consultation portal.The design team will consider all submissions received and assess how to best address the various issues raised. This process will include discussions with other stakeholders, which may include local residents, landowners, the National Transport Authority, Waterways Ireland and Irish Rail.

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