We are happy to see more bins in problem litter areas around the town. This came from our continued engagement with Fingal County Council and Cllr Robert O’ Donoghue’s representations on our behalf. Monthly litter picks continue to be organised by Wille McGee, so keep an eye out on our Facebook page and other community Facebook pages for details on how to get involved. We are also asking everyoneto Adopt a Patch. You can choose an area close to where you live to keep tidy and litter free. Litter picking packs are available from FCC. Email them at BalSwoOpArea@fingal.ie (nb: not accessible through this medium). Power cuts continue to be a big issue for households and especially for local businesses. LAG are engaging with our public representatives regarding this. We continue to receive a similar response from ESB Networks to that of a year ago, which we do not feel is adequate. We will continue to drive this as an issue of concern, on behalf of the community.We are very pleased that LAG has secured funding from Fingal County Council for a community “St. McCullin’s Bee Garden;. We hope to begin this project in September.The delays in the handover of the sports field and common areas of The Forge to Fingal County Council continue. Our public representatives are assisting in expediting this process. In the meantime, the developers have agreed to properly maintain the sports field until the handover process is complete. We have raised concerns regarding the dangerous state of the playground which remains locked and unmaintained and which encourages anti-social behaviour. Enjoy the rest of the Summer days! All in LAG