In February AAfA ran a very enjoyable trip to the Gaiety Theatre to see the J B Keane play ‘SIVE’ which 21 attended. We would like to sincerely thank Fingal Co Co for the Activity grant for educational and social trips which enabled us to hire a bus for this, and the next two outings. These we hope to run before the summer break so keep an eye on the website for information. We will be celebrating Bealtaine on Tuesday 30 th April from 11am to 12.30pm with Muireann and the Singing and Music class. There will be music, singing, readings and refreshments. Free to all, do come and join us.We will be supporting the EggHeadz group with their ‘Hello How Are You’ event on Wed 15th May.
‘Ageing Dis-Gracefully’ is a four-part workshop run by Peig McManus and Mary Jones which has been hugely successful. In fact, they are running a second series in April, and I have a feeling that this will be repeated. Well done, ladies!