ACTIVE AGE for ALL news – Failte Isteach

ACTIVE AGE for ALL news – Failte Isteach

It’s great to be back to classes and socialising after our Easter break. Our classes will run till the end of May. Active Age members are now involved in the Failte Isteach Programme with DPCC and Fingal County Council. We put out a call to our members for those who wished to be involved in this programme for teaching conversational English and were surprised at the response – 20 members of Active Age are now involved. We are being trained by those who have worked before with this programme. We will be working primarily with those who have newly arrived in Donabate from Ukraine, but conversational English will be available to people from anywhere who are new to our area. At the first group meeting of Failte Isteach many teachers emerged and people who had worked abroad and taught English. The encouragement from those who had previously worked on this programme was most reassuring and it became clear that you don’t need to be a teacher particularly – that if you just want to contribute and communicate with people who have a real need to belong somewhere at this point in their lives. If you know of anyone who needs to feel more connected to their community by attending Failte Isteach classes, do let them know that they will be happening, and tell them to leave their name at the Community Centre. On the 10th of May we will hold a Coffee Morning for Sick Children with the Children’s Health Foundation and we hope that we will get the usual great support from our members and neighbours. We have started a new Acorn Tablet Try Out programme to digitally connect our older members. Having completed our first programme with many satisfied and new digitally connected customers. There are still some places available so please contact us. As always if you wish to join us or want any information about Active Age for All please email us at / text us on 086 8806808 or take a look at our website