By Jack Shanley
“All of us Strangers,” directed by acclaimed filmmaker Andrew Haigh, is a thought-provoking and emotionally charged drama that delves into the intricate web of human connections. Released in 2023, the film skilfully weaves together the lives of seemingly unrelated characters, exploring themes of loneliness, alienation, and the quest for meaningful connection. All of us strangers is a film that captures the beautiful essence of encountering a lost loved one in a dream. Many films have come along about grief but none like this. It’s a sensual, romantic and yet heartbreaking look at life through the eyes of an everyday man whose life has never really turned out the way he wanted. With extraordinary performances from both Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal the film really shapes out to put you on an emotional Journey. All of us Strangers unravels as a simple yet strange narrative exploring themes of isolation, identity, grief, and the lingering ghosts of one’s past. I found this film to be profoundly captivating, with its dreamlike atmosphere, heartbreaking moments, and a touch of melancholy adding to its beauty. With 2023 having some impressive films ‘All of us Strangers’ is way up the list amongst the best of 2023. Its with films like this that shall stay with you forever, only be different as you get older with every viewing of it, it shall remain the same film but is only different as you’ve changed, this for me is the pure definition of cinema. In conclusion, “All of us Strangers” is a compelling exploration of the human experience. Andrew Haigh’s directorial prowess, coupled with a stellar cast and a fantastic script, makes this film a poignant and relevant piece of cinema that will leave audiences contemplating the intricate dance of human connection long after the credits roll. In all truth I’d recommend checking out “All of us Strangers” at your local cinema and see what you think of it, I shall give it a score of Four stars. Director Andrew Haigh – Rating: 16 – Genre: Romance/Fantasy – Run Time: 1h 45m Language: English. For more film content please follow @movies4fanatics on Instagram.