Balbriggan Library online events coming up this Spring

Balbriggan Library online events coming up this Spring

Creative Writing for Kids with Maeve Devoy (5-weeks) via Zoom

Saturday 26/02/22 - to Saturday 26/03/22 - 1pm - 2.30pm
Suitable for 8-12years - The Hero’s Journey - In this workshop/course, the author, Maeve A. Devoy will take her students through The Hero’s Journey - a classic guide to writing adventure stories. She will detail each stage of the form and provide literary examples,before the students create their own heroes and set off on their own adventures. Focused on fun and creativity, this workshop promises to leave the students with a tried and tested remedy for the stories they want to tell. You can book the course on line at
Booking Eventbrite

Monthly Creative Writing Circle for Teens with Orlaith O Sullivan via Zoom -

Second Monday of each month 7.30pm-8.30pm -14 February ,14 March, 11 April, 9 May, 13 June - Take time for your writing and yourself.

This creative writing circle is a safe, kind space to: strengthen your ability to create and develop your own written work (this can be journaling, fiction, prose, poetry or spoken word).You can work on a piece of your own writing, or you can use the prompt from Orlaith to explore something new and also earn practices to care for your mind and heart, so that you have the energy and courage to keep creating, Yo will also connect with other teen writers. For full details and to register see:

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