Cllr O’Donoghue inquired on plans for land on the Rathmore Road

Cllr O’Donoghue inquired on plans for land on the Rathmore Road

At a recent Area Committee Meeting Cllr O’Donoghue inquired on plans for the future use of 6.4 hectare of Council owned Lusk Bypass. The lands which were acquired by Dublin City Council in 1975 were at one stage proposed to house the Fingal Sports Complex to host a number of sporting events and groups, including the now defunct soccer club Sporting Fingal. However, as of 2012 there have been no plans to progress the project.In their response to O’Donoghue’s motion Fingal County Council while asserting they have no proposals for the land currently, the future use of the lands could be considered in the context of the new Development Plan.O’Donoghue stated: ‘It is important that with the high volumes of residential development that have taken place in Lusk, indeed Lusk between the censes in 2002 and 2016, has increased its population by 217%, the largest percentage growth in all large towns in the North County in this time, that a balance is found to provide enhanced public spaces and community infrastructure to improve the quality of life for all residents of Lusk.’ He continued: ‘With this in mind any future use of this land needs to be kept for Community Infrastructure, to provide much needed recreational facilities for current residents. My fear is that with pressure coming from the Department to build housing at all costs, that pressure may come to target this site which should be for community facilities. It’s my intention to submit a motion to the Development Plan, to have this land earmarked for Community Infrastructure.’

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