Cllr Rob O’Donoghue tabled a motion at the January Area Committee seeking an update on the environmental screening and plans for the build out of sporting facilities at the Lusk Sports Hub. The report to the motion stated that “an “Appropriate Assessment” process for the proposed Recreational Hub at Rathmore Park in Lusk concluded that the Hub did not “Screen Out”. Accordingly, the Council has arranged for the preparation of a Natura Impact Assessment (NIS) with a view to having the Hub proposals submitted for approval to An Bord Pleanála in Quarter 1 of 2024.” O’Donoghue stated that ‘I am delighted that the assessment was returned quickly, and that the Hub was found to have not ‘screened out’. The clubs and stakeholders on the Lusk Sports Group have been working hard towards the development of the Hub for sporting activities for the best part of a decade and their patience and dedication to the cause is something to be commended. That we have been given a timeline for applying for planning permission to build out the Hub makes me feel as if there is light at the end of the tunnel for this much needed project to service the community in Lusk. It is my fervent hope that this timeline can be realised, and the needs of the committee can come to fruition as soon as possible. As my motion wasn’t taken at the January meeting, I will be keeping the pressure on when I get to speak to the motion in the next meeting in February.’