Active Age for All will take a two week break from classes over Easter,starting the 3rd of April.
We hope that the weather will be fine and we can have an opportunity for some gardening and some nice long walks with the walking group.We will be hosting an event on the 5th of April at 10.30 a.m. in Donabate Portrane Community Centre with Danielle Monahan from Fingal Age Friendly Healthy Homes. She will give a more in depth presentation, as to what grants and help is available to make your home more age friendly and healthy. All with the idea of keeping people in their own homes for as long as possible. Danielle will be available to answer individual queries privately after the presentation. If you want to book a slot Text only 086 880 6808.We are excited to be involved in planning an event on the 9th of May for the Bealtaine Festival to celebrate creativity in the older person. We are hoping to involve our singing group Caintóirí, the writing group and some of our Ukulele players, so it should be a very enjoyable morning. so please ‘watch this space!’
To finish I would just like to wish our members A very Happy Easter! If you need information about our classes or our organisation please go to our website or why not email Or TEXT only 086 880 6808