We love celebrations and treats in DPSO Club. Under “normal” circumstances we would have hosted a Christmas party for our athletes Santa was so disappointed at not being able to visit this year that he made contact with us and drafted our volunteers to help in delivering (in a socially distanced way of course) a small gift and treat to every athlete. It was great to see the joy on the faces of the athletes and a real boost for our volunteers.Valentines Day gave us another opportunity to send some love to our athletes; and we even got help from An Garda Siochána in delivering our treats. We even made it into the news! Our latest deliveries were on behalf of the Easter Bunny with every athlete receiving a gift and Easter Egg. We are so grateful to the generous donations from our supporters which make all this possible.Our #saturdaysmiles zoom sessions are still going strong, and the success has come to the attention of Special Olympics nationally and worldwide. We recently welcomed Mary Davis, the CEO of Special Olympics International to one of our sessions.On top of all this, twelve of our amazing athletes took part in Special Olympics Ireland virtual challenges. This Dynamic Dozen represented our club in three of the competitions offered; Athletics, Football and Motor Activities.Our athletes are delighted with their medals. Robbie Keane and Jacqui Hurley spoke at the virtual Award ceremony about how wonderful all of the participating athletes are; of course we already know that!