€3.5 million Skerries Harbour Upgrade Plan Lodged

€3.5 million Skerries Harbour Upgrade Plan Lodged

Cllr Tom OLeary said recently, “ I welcome the confirmation that Fingal Council has lodged a planning application to An Bord Pleanála to remediate and upgrade the pier at Skerries Harbour. Fishers and sailors use both Balbriggan and Skerries harbours.” (Fishers is the new term for Fishermen and Fisherwomen) It is hoped that a positive decision will emerge in 6 Months. Then, Foreshore licences/leases are also required from the Dept of Agriculture Food & Marine and these typically can take up to 2 years from the date of application. Construction work should commence in 2026 after a tender process is completed. Local Skerries Cllr Tom O’Leary said, ” It’s very important for the Fishers at Skerries Harbour that facilities are improved for them to enable them to operate efficiently in a very tough business. So, Fishers require a crane to haul the fish boxes from the boats, to be installed at the harbour, dedicated parking for Fishers, water and electricity services and new storage containers or sheds. We also need to cater for the very popular busy pleasure sailing groups and in particular look at installing a suitable pontoon for safe access to and from boats of all sizes,” said Cllr Tom O’Leary. The Plans are availabe to view at Skerries Library from 5th March to 16th April 2024 .Online at www.fingal.ie/news