By Breda Dockrell and Carolyn Smith
Fingal County Council is currently conducting a public consultation process to select a route for the Fingal Coastal Way; this will close on Thursday 27th May (2021). This is your opportunity to have your say; so don’t miss out. See the details at the end of this article for making a submission. The Fingal Coastal Way is a proposed coastal greenway extending along the northern Fingal coast from Newbridge House to the Meath Border (see Figure 1). It will link with the proposed Broadmeadow Way greenway from Malahide Castle to Newbridge House (which is being undertaken as a separate project) and the Sutton to Malahide Greenway, part of which is already constructed. In principle, this is a very welcome initiative by FCC. Unfortunately, none of the five possible routes identified by the consultants for the Donabate Portrane section of this Fingal “Coastal” Way (see Figure 2) capitalises on the full potential, in terms of recreation, tourism and heritage and business opportunities, of our beautiful peninsula.