Our first feature this month is about Marram Grass planting on our Sand Dunes. On Sunday the 3rd of March 30 volunteers from Rush Clean Coasts group and from further afield planted Marram grass on part of the Sand Dunes on South Beach in Rush. Coastal Erosion is a constant issue, with the sand dunes disappearing bit by bit. The Marram grass however helps tie the sand together and provides at least some form of barrier to erosion. Aine Lawless from Clean Coast Ireland oversaw the planting process with the volunteers transplanting the grass from densely populated areas to the bare section of dunes. Rush Clean Coasts plan to have a further event later in Spring.
Next is a timely reminder regarding our very popular seed swap event. That is: we will be holding the first of our community seed and plant swap events for 2024 in early April. See our Seed Event flyer for details. Also we remind you of our Sunday Morning Litter Picking - Thank you to Rush Sailing Club for doing a super clean up around their area, and to our usual Sunday morning litter picking volunteers who cover the town. We also had some of the Tiny Towns gang out and about litter picking in the sunshine. If you would like to get involved in any of the above activities or have any questions in general, please drop us a line on tidytownsrush@gmail.com.