Ciaran Russell
Stragtegic quitting for fitness is a conscious decision you make based on the choices that are available to you..When people quit they are often focused on the short term benefits.”The short term benefits being, not going for the walk because it is cold out so you stay in to watch some tv with some snacks instead or opting for a takeaway every night because you cannot be arsed cooking. This all feels good in the moment, but forgets the bigger picture. When you find yourself in the dip, that is when you need to keep going! While you may not feel like you are making progress, because the weighing scales says so, you need to remind yourself that it is not just about the scales here. Being clear on what your long term game plan is and recording your daily wins will help get you through the dip.So if the scales goes up this week by 1kg but you know, you are hitting your steps every day,you are training well and you are staying in a calorie deficit, you can persevere knowing that you are showing up every day and if you keep doing what you are doing that you will achieve results long term.Whereas if you decide to quit while you are in the dip, you may be giving up too soon and will inevitably put yourself back where you started or back to something that you have always done.. joining slimming clubs or cutting out bread.On the other hand, creating a strategy for quitting something may be of benefit to you.You decide you want to start running, to lose weight. But before you start you set a reason or quitting; if you done it like it or have not seen any progress in a few weeks then you’ll quit running and try something else instead. So you are then 3 weeks into your new running programme, you’re not seeing progress and you absolutely detest putting on your running shoes.Guess what.. it is time to quit because those were the terms you decided on at the start. Think about what you need to quit and what do you need to stick with keeping the bigger picture in mind. Follow me on Instagram for more tips for simplifying weight loss. Go to this link - or scan the QR code in the image.