It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) – A Christmas Classic Film

It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) – A Christmas Classic Film

By Jack Shanley

With Christmas just around the corner its only right to light up your Christmas with this timeless classic by the great Frank Capra. James Stewart astounds us as George Bailey with the beautiful Donna Reed oozing that festive feeling. Regarded as one of finest films ever made, it sure is a good family film and for me it is the pure definition of Christmas. With ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Frank Capra essentially paints the most beautiful picture of life that no matter how many times you look at it its still so powerful bringing you closer to life. Its with this classic that proves how beautifully powerful cinema truly is that no words can speak loud enough to make you feel the way the film does. It’s the journey Capra takes us on from George Bailey (James Stewart) as a boy to a grown man, with these great plans to conquer the world and essentially live the life of dreams, that just never happens for him and for us all. With this ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ is still so relevant today after all these years. I’m not shy to say it’s a film that may lead to you shedding a few tears, throughout the film but especially in its final act. With an Angel in Clarence sent to George Bailey (James Stewart) to make him see his life essentially if he hadn’t been born makes you see your life the same way, with that it makes you happy to exist. The film has its humour romance and its ever-enduring scenes, from the classic dance scene which starts with the startling look both Donna Reed and James Stewart give each other to the frustration in the bank on their Wedding Day and on to the final act which speaks for itself. This high-spirited Christmas classic ranks among fans and critics alike as one of the most loved and celebrated films ever made In all truth I’d recommend checking out ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ and see what you think of it, I shall give it a score of Five stars. Director: Frank Capra – Rating: G – Genre: Drama/Comedy – Run Time: 2h 10m Language: English. For more film content please follow @movies4fanatics on Instagram

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