It’s Time to Grow Together for Movember

It’s Time to Grow Together for Movember

By Ciaran Russell

Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide. “Men’s health is in crisis. Men are dying on average 5 years earlier than women, and for largely preventable reasons. A growing number of men – around 10.8M globally – are facing life with a prostate cancer diagnosis. Globally, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men. And across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day, with males accounting for 75% of all suicides”. Source: Generally men will brush things off as unimportant and not speak up about things that may be bothering them; be that physically or mentally. As part of the Movember movement I want to help change that narrative to help bring more men together to support each other through whatever issues they may be facing.Health and fitness plays a massive part in how you feel. By improving health markers and being more active, the health of not just men, but everyone, can be significantly enhanced. We live our lives mostly in comfort, trying to avoid the hard things. That may be losing some weight, trying to get fit, speaking on a stage or starting something new, all of which can make us uncomfortable. Usually when we experience discomfort we tend to give up on making that change and we stay rooted to the past instead of leaning in to the potential growth that may come as a result of that hardship.Use the month of November to take charge of your health and fitness in the pursuit to becoming a better person for yourself and other people in your life. Do you want your life to be an example or a warning to others? You can support the Movember cause by logging on to their website

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