Corina Johnston Local Labour Party Area Representative is calling for the homes under severe threat from Coastal erosion at Beach Lane, Portrane to be protected. Johnston said;”Over the last few years Duncan Smith TD and I have been persistent in pursuing the need for the Beach Lane access road fronting 12 homes to be protected from Coastal Erosion. Johnston continued; “Since before Christmas the rate of the impact of Coastal erosion has accelerated with the road impassable in recent days.” Johnston added; “We were extremely disappointed to receive the following response at a recent council meeting to our requests for help on behalf of residents which was raised by Councillor Rob O’Donoghue who asked the Chief Executive to extend the Seabees on the northern end of the Brook beach, Portrane fronting Beach Lane and the public right of way as a matter of urgency given the very serious impact of coastal erosion on twelve residential properties at this location and to provide details of the consultant engineers report on this section of the beach?” The Council replied, “ Following an extensive analysis of the issues by the Council in consultation with the Fingal Coastal Liaison Group it has been determined that the extension of the SeaBees array as requested is not the optimum way of addressing these issues and that an alternative access to the properties is a more appropriate approach. Discussions are ongoing with local landowners with a view to providing the access required.” Johnston said; “It is unacceptable that such a critical decision was taken by the Fingal’s Coastal Liaison group without a meeting or consultation with the residents beforehand. It has always been our position that the existing Seabees along the beach needed to be extended fronting the houses. As the situation is critical and access to the properties under threat we have submitted the following motion to the next council meeting: “That this committee recommends to the CEO that Sea Bees be acquired and installed fronting the properties at Beach Lane the Burrow Portrane as a matter of urgency.” Johnston concluded” Given the seriousness of the situation we are calling on all public representatives to support this motion in an effort to save this road access and ultimately the 12 homes.”