Johnston welcomes funding for extended cycle path to Portrane

Johnston welcomes funding for extended cycle path to Portrane

Corina Johnston, Labour Party Local Representative has welcomed the recent announcement of funding by the National Transport Authority which will facilitate an extension of the existing cycle path on the Donabate Distributor Road to Portrane. She said; “I am very pleased to have been informed that €1,225,000 has recently been allocated to Fingal County Council by the National Transport Authority(NTA) as part of its Active Travel Investment Grants 2022.” Corina continued; “ In response to representations from Duncan Smith TD and I the NTA confirmed that this project includes the development and implementation of cycle protection measures at various locations along the relevant stretch of road. These measures will include the installation of uncontrolled crossing points, junction build outs and the construction of kerb protected cycle lanes.”Johnston added;” Fingal County Council in response to a question submitted to a recent council meeting on my behalf by my colleague Cllr Robert O’Donoghue confirmed that this project proposes to link the existing cycle path from the West along the newly constructed Distributor Road to the junction of Portrane Avenue in Portrane. The funding allocated for this scheme is for the development of design options, preliminary & detailed design and implementation of protected cycling infrastructure on the ground. The Council’s Active Travel Unit is currently procuring a consultant to work on this among other projects in the programme of works for 2022. Once the options report is available, this will progress to detailed design and implementation by year end.“ Johnston concluded;”I am very pleased that this project has been prioritised and funding awarded by the NTA and look forward to its implementation. When completed this will enhance cycle links between Donabate and Portrane and ultimately provide a direct cycle link to Malahide and Newbridge Demesne via the Broadmeadow Way Greenway which is projected to be delivered in 2025. “