Corina Johnston Labour Party Area Representative has welcomed the commitment from Fingal County Council for the much needed pedestrian access into Newbridge Demesne off the Hearse Road. We wrote to the CEO on 10th February requesting that this project be given the priority it deserves. We also requested a footpath be provided from the new bus stop to the pedestrian crossing on health and safety grounds.” Johnston said:”I wish to compliment the role played by the residents of Semple Woods in this campaign and for their persistence on such an important health and safety issue for themselves and their children. I am delighted to have received the following response to a question submitted by my colleague Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh to a recent council meeting on my behalf in respect of the proposed new entrance. The Council’s reply said, “Following on from a meeting on the Hearse Road at the entrance to Semple Woods Estate by staff from the Operations Department, Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Department and Active Travel the following list of works were identified. The current plan is to try and get all works completed by the end of Q4 2022. As the works are not included in any current work programme it will be necessary to prepare drawings/ specifications for works/ materials to be used and to arrange procurement. • Travelling towards Donabate install new footpath and heritage bollards from new bus stop to the pedestrian crossing.
(1) Open existing gate in Newbridge to allow pedestrian access to the Demesne, (2) Construct new footpath within the Demesne to link with existing path, (3) Move the 50KPH signage south of new bus stop, (4) Remove barriers at crossing and install new barriers at the entrance into the Demesne.
Consideration will also be given to the inclusion of two traffic calming ramps on the Hearse Road at Semple Woods in future Programme of Works.” Johnston concluded; “I am very pleased with the commitment given to carry out the works outlined above which should see the new access in operation by the end of the year.