Corina Johnston, Labour Party Area Representative has welcomed the announcement by Fingal County Council of its intention to carry out permanent resurfacing works at the Ballymastone sports ground car park.Johnston said; “ I am very pleased that the ongoing campaign by Duncan Smith TD and I for the permanent resurfacing of the existing car park at the Ballymastone Sports Grounds has come to a successful conclusion”Johnston added;”At an on-site meeting with Fingal County Council this morning requested by Duncan Smith TD in which I was in attendance, Senior Officials from Fingal County Council informed representatives from St Pats GAA, St. Ita’s AFC and local Cllrs Henchy and Mulville that the council have taken the decision to resurface the car park with a tar-macadam surface. The officials confirmed their intention to progress these works through a procurement process with the works to be carried out at the earliest possible time. In the interim I asked the council to carry out remedial works given the current condition of the car park which they have agreed to.”Johnston added; “Duncan Smith TD and I have been campaigning for this work to be carried out for nearly two years now. At an onsite meeting earlier this year we stressed the need for a permanent solution to the car park surface and the need for the provision of lights in the car park given the number of children accessing the sports grounds across the dark car park. At that time the council proposed to carry out temporary repairs and to give consideration to installing lights in the car park. Within a few weeks the car park surface returned to the desperate state it was a few weeks earlier.At my request the former Mayor Cllr Seána O’Rodaigh rased a question with the CEO. Johnston concluded: We thanked the officials for taking the health and safety concerns of parents and the clubs on board, for coming up with the substantial amount of funding required to carry out the necessary works and for their ongoing support for sport on the peninsula.”