We look forward to our 2nd AGM on Monday 7th March. This will be open to the community as we are looking for new LAG committee members. If you have drive, enthusiasm, care about the future of our town and have some time to spare, please consider joining us. You can email us on luskactiongroup@gmail.com or contact us on 0863017842 for details. There is currently a public consultation open for the Fingal County Council draft development plan. We urge the community to engage with this process. We cannot stress the importance of this enough. These are the plans that shape the future of our town until 2029, and this is our opportunity to ensure that it looks how we would like it to look, especially considering housing development and land zoning. See consult.fingal.ie or get in touch with FCC on 01 8905000. In February, we had the first of the Lusk Vision 2030 Implementation meetings. We look forward to our continued involvement with the committee and to beginning to bring to fruition the comprehensive 2030 plan. This is reliant on the time, enthusiasm and talent of many people involved in many different clubs and committees in Lusk. It is also reliant on the support and involvement of our local councillors, TD’s and senator. And we would like to thank them for their support to date. Siobhan O’Connor is looking for volunteers for Junior Park Run weekly event in the Hub on Sunday mornings at 9.30am. Event is a free 2k walk/run for children ages 4-14. Volunteers will assist with set up and running of the event which should take approx. 1 hour from start to finish. Please contact Siobhan at 0868405952 if you are interested. We very much look forward to our Lusk St Patrick’s Day parade and festivities this year! We would like to thank Lusk Community Council for organising this. Wishing you all a very happy St Patrick’s Day! Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona Daoibh go Léir!