Lusk Community Council Planning for St. Patrick’s Day

Lusk Community Council Planning for St. Patrick’s Day

As we crystal ball gaze over coming months, we must also start planning for what we know. St. Patrick’s Festival will provide an opportunity for the community to celebrate our National Holi-day and while we don’t yet know what that will look like, we are starting to plan for the day, in the hope that Lusk will be able to have its traditional parade. Come what may, the Community Coun-cil will look to brighten up the town with banners and bunting. We will have the Round Tower il-luminated again for the festival and all going well, we will have a real life parade on the streets of Lusk.We are encouraging every household to play their part by flying flags and bunting across the town for St. Patrick’s Festival. If everyone makes an little effort, it will lift the spirits of the town and in the light of the last two Covid years, this will be much needed. Lusk Community Clean-Up, organized by Willie McGee, is one such example of a bunch of volunteers making a big difference with the appearance of the town. Willie particularly wants to give a shout out to Lusk Community College students for taking part in the Clean-Up.The Fingal Development Plan Review is ongoing with motions being proposed by Councillors in recent weeks. The Draft Fingal Development Plan will be on public display for a period of 10 weeks from February 2022 to May 2022. This will be your opportunity to comment on the plan and to review what is being proposed. In the context of the Development Plan Review we have delayed the first meeting of the Lusk Vision 2030 Imple-mentation Group to February. 2022 is looking good so far. Let’s hope it continues.

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