Lusk ICA Guild changes to meetings days and times

Lusk ICA Guild changes to meetings days and times

The Lusk Guild resumed their monthly meetings in September after a well- deserved break over the
Summer. The day and time for future monthly meetings has changed. The monthly meeting will now take place on the first Tuesday of the month in Lusk Scout Den from 3.30pm until 5.30pm.

Joining our meeting on Tuesday 4 th October we will have a guest Speaker from Fingal County Council giving a talk on the Age Friendly Homes Program so be sure to put this date in your diary.

In addition to our monthly meetings we also have a range of activities for ladies who like to keep fit. Mon, Tue and Thurs – Tai Chi -Tuesday 11.00 - 12.00 – Chair Yoga - Tuesday 11.30 - 12.30 - Exercises in the Hub /when weather is bad we do exercises in the oldchurch. - Saturday 11am – meet Rush South Beach car park for sea swimming. This is just a small selection of our activities so join us for some fun as new members are always welcome. You can also contact us through our Facebook page. More good news our annual Christmas Market will take place on Sunday the 4th December in Lusk Scout Den. Santa will be joining us as he heard there are lots of very good boys and girls in Lusk so make sure to save the date!!

/ Latest News, Lusk Local News