Lusk Vision 2030 Shortlisted for European Bauhaus Award

Lusk Vision 2030 Shortlisted for European Bauhaus Award

As the COVID challenge in society wanes, Lusk Community Council is focused on delivering a range of strategic initiatives for Lusk. Lusk Vision 2030 is the strategic plan that we commis-sioned and completed in 2021. We are now focused on the delivery of this strategic plan for the town. The Community Council is delighted that Lusk Vision 2030 has received recognition in Eu-rope with its shortlisting in the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2022. The project has been chosen as one of 52 overall finalists out of 1,100 submissions from across the EU. No matter what the outcome of the awards, this international recognition for Lusk Vision 2030 to be shortlisted is a source of great pride for the town and for the Community Council.We have submitted the final Lusk Vision 2030 plan to Fingal County Council for the review of the Fingal Development Plan as we seek to embed the Lusk Vision 2030 priorities in the Fingal Development Plan 2023-2029. In line with the principles of “Town Centre First”, the construction of the Lusk Community Cultural Centre represents the single largest community led investment in the town to date. As the con-struction project is nearing completion, we are focused on opening up of the Cultural Centre with a very special exhibition, staffing arrangements for the new community facility and the creation of a community campus composed of the Cottage Community Centre, Saint Macullins Centre and the Cultural Centre in the heart of the town. We see the Cultural Centre as a phase 1 project on the Katie Hunt’s site. The Community Council and Fingal County Council have received grant ap-proval for €48,600 under the Town & Village Renewal Scheme for the design of phase 2 for the site. This phase 2 project represents a very significant workload that we are now beginning and look forward to bringing forward new phase 2 proposals in line with our Lusk Vision 2030 strate-gic plan by the end of 2022.

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