Lusk’s future is in your hands this month!

Lusk’s future is in your hands this month!

By Brian Arnold

May 2021 is a key month for looking to the future of Fingal and Lusk. The 12th May is the submission date for the first stage of the Fingal Development Plan while the 27th May is the date for submissions on the Fingal Coastal Way. In advance of these dates Lusk Community Council consultants, working on the Lusk Vision 2030, will be giving feedback on what you have told them. We hope that this feedback will help you to frame your submissions for Fingal County Council.We are mid-way through the Lusk Vision 2030, the consultants have completed extensive consultation both online and via virtual workshops. This represents a first for Lusk and the Community Council. The timing is very important as it is helping to frame the submission which will be made to Fingal County Council in advance of the 12th May deadline. We have to emphasise the importance of the Fingal Development Plan which will run to 2029. This document will affect all of our lives, so please take time to thInk about it and make a submission. Your views are what is important. Please do not take other peoples views and reheat them for your submission. Take 15 minutes to think about what you want and sketch out your ideas, write them down and submit via the Fingal County Council consultation portal. Fingal have set out 7 themes to make is easier to connect with and understand the process i.e.1. People & Place , 2. Climate Change,3. Connectivity and movement,4. Employment, economy and Dublin Airport,5. Cultural heritage, 6. Green infrastructure and natural heritage,7. Infrastructure and utilities.Covid 19 has brought so much more information online and Fingal County Council has made great progress in explaining the 7 themes and how you can engage on the new Development Plan via their website . This is important so take your 15 minutes to engage.The level 5 lockdown has prevented the commencement of the construction contract for the Lusk Community Cultural Centre on Church Road. However it is hoped that work will have commenced by the time that you are reading this article. Looking forward over coming months, if thevaccination programme does what we hope it will, we look forward to the reopening of our community facilities in Lusk and Fingal. Fingers crossed. Stay Safe, Suppress The Virus, Protect Each Other.