Men’s Shed had a Busy 2022 and Look Forward to 2023

Men’s Shed had a Busy 2022 and Look Forward to 2023

Donabate Portrane Men’s Shed wishes our members and the wider community a happy and peaceful New Year. Despite the disruptions caused by Covid restrictions at the start of 2022, the Men’s Shed had a full, active and interesting year. We added to our regular weekly activities of exercise classes on Mondays and tea and chat gatherings on Thursdays with croquet at Newbridge House on Tuesdays, negotiated on our behalf by Active Age for All with Fingal County Council – a big thank you to both. Those working on our plots at Turvey Allotments, rented from Fingal County Council, had a very productive year with a bumper crop even better than previous years. We also resumed our occasional outings with visits to the Casino Model Railway Museum in Malahide in February, a guided tour of Newbridge House in March, the Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin in May, the Custom House Visitor Centre in June and the National Maritime Museum in Dun Laoghaire in July and most recently a pitch-and-putt outing to Deerpark in Howth in November. During 2022, we completed two long-standing projects delayed by Covid, both sponsored by grants from Fingal County Council. In February, we installed a storage shed beside the Scouts’ Den and in September we completed the awning at the rear of the Scouts’ Den. We rounded out the year with a Christmas dinner in Keeling’s, our first since 2019. A great night was had by all, great food, great music and songs but, most importantly, great company. If you wish to join us, please contact Jim on 086-3694316. We are always open to new members and new ideas on how we can expand our activities.