As reported last month, Donabate Portrane Men’s Shed received a generous grant from Fingal County Council’s Community Activities Funding Scheme for the materials to install a decking area at our plot at Turvey Allotments, for which we are extremely grateful.
The materials have now been purchased – blocks and gravel for the base, pedestals and treated timber joists to support the composite decking, all the trims and fixings to complete the work and, most importantly, a new wheelbarrow to replace our old one which had given up the ghost. The on-site work has started and is progressing well, as can be seen in the accompanying photos. Next month, we hope to have some photos of the completed work, with members taking a break from their strenuous work tending the allotment – a brief break, we hope! Anyone wishing to join the Men’s Shed should call Jim on 086-3694316.