As the first public consultation on the Fingal Development Plan 2023 – 2029 has now come to a conclusion, I would like to highlight some issues that I will be asking for the community of Lusk support in the coming months.Having reviewed the submissions pertaining to Lusk, I am disappointed to have read a number of submissions that are advocating for the expansion of the town boundaries to facilitate the rampant development of our town.We face submissions which seek to extend the boundary in the direction of Rush, which would whittle away the green belt between our towns and see a surge of additional traffic on our roads. Twinned with this we have a further submission for a large swathe of land adjacent to Chapel Farm. I will state again, that there are currently sufficient lands zoned to met the needs for sustainable development for the next ten years. The focus for this Development Plan for Lusk needs to be having the town settle and to have infrastructure and amenities brought into the town to service our young and growing community, not focussed on additional residential zonings. I will be calling on the people of Lusk to support me in this endeavour and asking the whole community to make submissions to this end when the second public consultation on the Development Plan opens in Spring 2022.