At the July meeting of Fingal County Council Cllr Rob O’Donoghue warmly greeted the announcement of plans to install a cycle track linking Blakes Cross to the Junction of Ministers Road. The proposal will contain protected cycle tracks on both directions of the R132 using the current hard shoulder for protected cycle lanes. There will be delineated cycle lanes with bollards, line markings and concrete islands for safety.O’Donoghue commented ‘This project will improve cycle connectivity to the Corduff School, public transport and residential estates in Lusk. As part of the project Kilhedge Lane will be resurfaced to improve connectivity between the Centra junction in Dun Emer and the R132.’ In the coming months there will be a public consultation to address any local concerns, a tender put out to procure a contractor and further consultation with stakeholders (schools, residents) prior to construction taking place, hopefully in Q1 of 2023.He continued ‘this project is part of phased plans to make the r132 safer for road users and improve connectivity links between towns for recreation and commuting in the North County’