The public consultation for the new development plan closed in May with 1,946 individual submissions made by stakeholders and members of the public to Fingal County Council. Fingal County Council’s planners have now evaluated these submissions and fed back to Councillors on any proposed changes to the zoning maps. Speaking on the matters regarding the requests for large residential rezonings around Lusk in the public consultation Cllr Rob O’Donoghue noted, ‘we are going into what may be the final phase of the 2023 – 2029 Fingal Development Plan, I am glad that the Planners in the Council have taken my view that Lusk after developing rapidly in the last 20 years have rejected any additional residential zonings for the town requested by developers in the public consultation. The town will hopefully get the chance to consolidate and settle for duration of the next development plan, where social infrastructure can catch up with the residential development that has taken place in recent years.’ The final round of Councillors motions, seeking to alter the Development Plan will be brought in front of the Council at the end of September and run into mid-October. O’Donoghue continued, ‘although myself and Council planners are in alignment on the near to mid-term development of Lusk, there maybe other Councillors from outside the constituency who seek to promote motions that bring back these large scale rezonings in the final round of motions as they did in the previous round in February. I can assure you that I will be resisting these attempts again, should they come forward, and will keep you informed of these proceedings on social media.’