Corina Johnston, Labour Party Local Area Representative has called on Fingal County Council to prioritise the opening of the proposed pedestrian access to Newbridge Demesne off the Hearse Road adjacent to the Semple Woods Estate. Johnston said; “ a temporary entrance into Newbridge Demesne opposite Semple Woods on the Hearse Road was closed in July 2020. Since then an increasing number of residents now living in the vicinity of the Hearse Road have to walk along a narrow and dangerous footpath to access the Demesne. Hence the urgency for the new access.” Johnston continued; “The provision of this access is an objective in the Local Area Plan for Donabate and a condition in the planning permission for Semple Woods.The planning permission for the Semple Woods stipulates that prior to the 201st house being sold and occupied in the estate a new pedestrian and cycle bridge across the Dublin - Belfast railway line connecting the development to Donabate village via Smyths pub and a link to Newbridge Demesne on the Hearse Road via the toucan crossing shall be provided and operational.“Johnston said; “In response to our ongoing representations Fingal County Council confirmed earlier this year that the proposed entrance to the Demesne could not be opened until a safe access and crossing was provided as the sight lines along this stretch of the road were not sufficient to allow for safe crossing. Improvement works including the provision of a high level traffic light at the new toucan crossing on the Hearse Road were undertaken. A Road Safety Audit has also been undertaken, the results of which are still awaited.“ Johnston concluded; “Fingal County Council needs to publish the results of the Road Safety Audit so that any issues raised in the report can be addressed to enable the opening of the new entrance to proceed. Apart from meeting the requirements of the planning permission and objectives of the Local Area Plan the access will improve the health and safety concerns for pedestrians and cyclists accessing Newbridge Demesne from the Hearse Road. Therefore it must be prioritised.”