The news that Riot Games, the developer and publisher best known for League of Legends, has chosen a location in Swords for its new Remote Broadcast and Content Production Centre has been welcomed by Fingal County Council. Announcing that the new digital broadcast and production facilities will open in Airside Retail Park by January 2022, the decision by Riot Games to expand their operations means over 120 new jobs will be created locally. Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly said: “This is a fantastic win for Fingal. It helps highlight the fact that we are well placed to attract international business and reaffirms our ambitions to provide sustainable economic growth and opportunities across the county. Our team have worked hard to secure this as a viable option for Riot Games as they look to expand their global esports capacity, so we are thrilled that they have chosen Swords as the first of three facilities that they will establish around the world as part of their follow-the-sun model.”