St. Mary’s Baton Twirlers have had great success at the 2023 EFBT 10th Anniversary European Championships in Teplice in the Czech Republic. After an absence of 3 years away from the International Competition Floor 11 athletes from St. Mary’s Baton Twirlers travelled with Team Ireland at the beginning of July to the Championships in Teplice. The athletes competed in 25 events included Freestyle, Solo 1 Baton, Solo 2 Baton, Pair, Team and Group. As part of team Ireland, the club took home 13 awards :2 x 1st place – 1 x 2nd place – 2 x 3rd place - 2 x 4th place – 3 x 5th place - 3 x 6th place and in the Overall Country Placement - Team Ireland placed 3rd.. For more information about joining contact 086 3270636 Or do check us out on our Facebook page: StMarys Baton Twirlers. Instagram: Stmarysbatontwirlers.