Our recent Transition Year Graduation and an absolutely brilliant musical performance was a great way to end a fantastic year for the Transition Years at St Mary’s Secondary School, Baldoyle. Well done to the Transition Years on an amazing performance and which, under the guidance of Amy White Lambe, took less than 5 days to produce– just brilliant.There is also a newsletter produced for our Transition Year Graduation. Many thanks to Annie Jakob, our SNA, for a tremendous amount of work producing the newsletter. The last photo is from the Musical Performance – a journey down memory lane of the various musicals performed in St. Mary’s. A group of students find a box of old programmes which leads to discussion and a scene from the musical appears. Taking only 5 days to prepare, the Transition Years, with the help of Amy White Lambe, put on an absolutely brilliant performance.Congratulations to all the T Y students who made this such a special event. Many thanks are due to both Mr. Ryan and Ms Convey for all their work throughout this year. A lot of work went into organising the hoodies for everyone. Every week had something on from a trip to an activity to a presentation. They also had a fantastic trip to Achill and finished off the year with an orienteering session in Malahide Castle which was organised by Mr. Nash. Its back to full study in September with everyone ready to hit the ground running. Enjoy your summer!