Swords Tidy Towns have been working very hard on their Bio Diversity agenda plan. We have planted Wild Flower Meadows and when putting down bedding plants we try always to use Bee and Insect Friendly plants. We are lucky to have a very dedicated team within our group who have taken on this invaluable work. They are currently looking for volunteers with a keen interest in gardening to help them by adopting one of their patches and tending to it. We are also seeking volunteers who are good at Bricklaying, local Artists who would consider giving up some of their free time to help with our Art Projects, people who are good with machinery for maintenance and repair of our machines.Our volunteers were busy this month in their homes to measure NO2 levels at different address areas around Swords, it will be really interesting to see the different air quality in those areas. Swords Tidy Towns are very excited to participate in yet another Citizen Science project. If you are interested in offering some of your free time to help with any of the aforementioned, please contact Ken on 0866008313 We continue to have a problem with graffiti in and around the Swords area. We have a very keen team of Graffiti Cleaning Warriors who have made it their mission in life to go out several days a week to combat this scourge, very successfully I might add. Swords Tidy Towns Mascot is a large Teddy Bear, we would love to have it fitted for a Swords Tidy Towns outfit just for him. If there is a talented seamstress who could help us out with this, we would love to hear from you. If your estate has a Residents Association, please register it with Swords Tidy Towns. We have a designated Res Ass Liaison Officer who would be only too happy to hear from you. Many estates have registered with us already and have benefited from their link up with us.Swords Tidy Towns volunteers continue to give up their free time to make their town a better experience for everyone, you can help, please bin your litter.