Tips for keeping down the back to school costs!

Tips for keeping down the back to school costs!

By Siobhan O’Neill White (

As parents know, getting children back to school is stressful and expensive. On, we have some tips which may help reduce that stress.The Back to school clothing and footwear allowance is a payment made to parents to help with the cost of schooling. Many most parents will have received it by now. However, if you are on a low income, social welfare payment or are struggling due to the rising cost of living you can and should apply for this payment. In cases where both parents are working, you may still qualify. Applications are open until September. Uniforms are a big expense, especially when schools have a ‘recommended supplier’. A crested jumper or cardigan can be €30-40 and jacket €50-60. Instead of buying from these shops, you can buy generic uniform items and have the school crest added. Look for places like Bestwear in Drogheda, who will embroider school crests on for €3-5. We were able to pick up a plain wool cardigan for €10 and plain PE jumper for €8 in Dunnes Stores at the Ilac SC this week and will have the crests added for €10. This is a significant saving. You can also request crests from your school and sew them on yourself. When buying primary school books, look for offers on places like Book Haven and Many secondary schools have moved to ipads which are great for kids. Everything is up to date and they are easier to carry than heavy books. If your child has an ipad, it is very important to protect it with a cover, so it doesn’t break if (when) they drop it. Hoco in he Ilac SC has a great range of ipad covers. For personalised stick on and iron on label, for uniforms, technology, books etc labels are excellent. They have a clever coating meaning viruses like Covid cannot stick to them. You will need a sturdy schoolbag for your child and Smiggle have colourful bundles starting at €30. Ideal for primary school kids, the quality is excellent. For stationery, pencils, pens, maths sets and all the accessories your child needs, The Works stores are excellent value. Much cheaper for Sharpies and Bic than many other stores. For more tips on reducing Back to school costs, visit and follow us on our socials FB Twitter and Instagram.

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