The 4th May saw the opening up of construction again and after months of delay, enabled our con-tractor Pat Fitzgerald Construction to commence work on the Lusk Community Cultural Centre. Step one was to secure the site and start clearing it up. After many years of dereliction, cleaning up was a major task however for residents near by, this was very welcome. Nearby residents have lived with anti social behavior on the site for decades, so the removal of the old out buildings meant that this anti social opportunity was also being removed. Today we are back to the original front wall and gable walls that we are to preserve. The Cottage frontage is a key feature on Church Road and bringing it back to its former glory is the key objective.Over recent months, Lusk Com-munity Council has been working on new brand ideas for the Cultural Centre. In line with the branding of the Cottage Community Centre, Nicole Kearney, designed the new Cultural Centre branding. On the 14th May, we were delighted to welcome Minister Darragh O’Brien and AnnMa-rie Farrelly, CEO of Fingal County Council to launch the new branding in the company of Coun-cillors Boland, O’Donoghue and Dennehy.