Spring is in the air and so are our students with their high-flying kicks. The students at Junsa have been practicing hard for upcoming tournaments all the while having fun. Please take look at what we are doing.
The athletics season is in full swing with plenty of events to choose from over the early months of the year. The club took a huge contingent to the Raheny 5 mile and we were well represented at the 10 mile road races in both Trim and Dungarvan. The Lusk vest was also spotted at the Seville Half Marathon and the Donadea 50k. Our Juvenile athletes have been in indoor action and training at the hub has been spiced up with the 6 week winter 3k league. Well done to all and we look forward to the brighter evenings as summer approaches.
Robyn was in fine form at the Dublin Juvenile Championships.
Lusk Action Group’s AGM will take place on Tuesday 11th March at 7.30 in the Cottage Community Centre. All are welcome to attend.
We were very happy to host a meeting last month to facilitate the set up of resident’s associations in Lusk. The Forge estate has been the first of the estates to form and hosted their first committee meeting at the end of February. We wish them the very best of luck. If you would like to get involved with a resident’s association in your estate, please get in touch with us at luskactiongroup@gmail.com and we will direct you.
We received the news in January that Planning permission has been approved for the proposed Recreational Sports Hub at Rathmore Park by An Bord Pleanála. This is the culmination of over ten years of work by Lusk Community Sports Plan 2020 committee, with the support of our public representatives. It will be delivered by Fingal County Council. Work is hoped to be commenced this Spring/Summer. We would like to thank and congratulate Lusk Community Sports Group for their hard work and perseverance over many years to bring these plans finally to fruition, and we look forward to the amazing facilities that are going to be delivered.
A little reminder to all groups and the wider community that the Lusk Autism Friendly Town committee are seeking to have all members of all community groups and businesses trained. This will lead to Lusk becoming an official autism friendly town. Training is very simple to do and takes only an hour or two. Visit www.asiam.ie and search training and accreditation to find out how to make a big difference in the lives of people with autism.
As most of you are aware, construction has starsted on the front of Orlynn Park green by Fingal County Council. This will be called Remount Court and will be an extension of the adjacent estate. It is planned to be completed by March 2026. If there are any issues during the construction site, we are asked to contact construction@fingal.ie
Lusk Saint Patrick’s Day Parade has been an annual centre piece of the town for decades and 2025 will be same. Applications for entry to the parade need to be submitted to Lusk Community Council by 5th March. For all our businesses and community groups in the town, this is a great opportunity to Fly Your Flag for our town. In addition to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Lusk Community Council will also have a programme of music and fun in Lusk Community Cultural Centre on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th March. Check out our Lusk Community Council social media for details.
Are you looking for ways to support your local North County Dublin Branch of Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind?
Well recently the branch placed a Q.R. code on a large collection dog in Supervalu Lusk so, if you don’t have change to put into the large dog, you can now use your phone to scan the Q.R. code and donate to the North County Dublin Branch of Guide Dogs.
Picture shows Jenny Supervalu Lusk staff at the large dog. Also, receipt shows what was taken from the large dog at Christmas. Thanks to all customers and staff for their support.
You can contact North County Dublin Branch of Irish Guide Dogs by phone/text 085-7663107, email: GuideDogsBalbriggan@gmail.com
The Lusk ICA ladies travelled up to the Flagstaff Bistroe Restaurant in Newry for a lovely meal, following which we received a Cead mile Failte at The Teac Mallen in Slieve Gullion Art Centre in Meigh singing and dancing all night long.
We wish the best of luck to the Drama Group who are entering their play “The Big Surprise” in the ICA National Final of the Eleanora Gibbon cup for drama, on Sunday, 9th March in An Grainan. Keep up the good work, ladies.
We highly recommend you join in with us at the Ramblers night, set dancing and storytelling (free night), which is held at 9.00pm every second Tuesday of the month in Murray’s lounge.
The Lusk ICA Guild meet on the First Thursday every month in the Scouts Den (after beavers) at 8:15 PM and we would be delighted to welcome new members to come along.
A warm welcome to the new members that have joined the club in recent weeks. Some have already been in race action wearing the club colours. It was great to see a good turnout at a wet and muddy St Anne’s park for the Dublin Master’s Cross Country.
The Lusk 4 mile is only a few weeks away so if you’re not helping out on the day make sure that you’ve purchased your race entry as the event sold out last year. It’s on Sunday 2nd March at 3pm.
There’s great news on our athletics facilities. We are delighted to announce that Lusk AC has received notification from Bord Pleanala on the decision to grant planning permission for the Sports Hub development; including an 8 lane athletics track. All going to plan this should be constructed and open in 2026.
Following our hectic couple of weeks in December and a lovely Christmas and New Year, things were much calmer this month of January
At our last guild meeting instead of a Kris Kindle We had a Donation Box and which raised €265, this was passed on by our President Rosanna Darby to Focus Ireland for the Homeless which they gratefully acknowledged.
On the 6th we celebrated the Nollaig Na mBan. Maria O’Sullivan organized a delicious evening meal in the lovely Village Hotel in Bettystown, we were driven home safely in the hands of Damien McKenna.
The best of luck to the Lusk Drama members who are taking part in the ICA Wicklow Federation Drama Festival on 18th January.
Bravo to our sea swimmers Monica Kilby and Pauline Flynn who continue to take a refreshing winter sea dip in Rush and Skerries.
However, many of us prefer the enjoyment of Aqua Aerobics with trainer Margaret Farrell in warmer waters of (smaller) ALSAA sports pool, returning again weekly on Thursday 18th January at 11.45am and is an open session.
A food drive took place on Sunday 12th in the Lusk Soccer Club All donations of unopened sweets, biscuits etc were welcomed and passed to Vincent De Paul.
Many members again enjoyed the monthly Ramblers night which is held on the 2nd Tuesday in the month in Murrays Lounge Bar.
Deirdre Wilson has started up a walking group again which commenced on 7th January. Meeting at Murrays at 10am. This to continue daily at the same time, everybody is welcome to join.
4 lovely Dundee cakes were entered for the annual ICA Federation Gempack Competition On 15th February, they were judged by Alma Farrell and Pauline Flynn - Frances Devane’s cake was chosen to go through to Federation level.
Planning permission has been approved for the proposed Recreational Sports Hub at Rathmore Park, Lusk by An Bord Pleanála.
The Lusk sports group (Lusk Sports CLG) look forward to working closely with the Fingal County Council project team on the next phase of the project, Tender Stage, with the aim of the project going to construction in Spring/Summer 2025.
A big thanks to everyone that has made this significant project milestone possible, particularly all our community volunteers that keep persevering with the project over the last 10+ years, our public representatives and the Fingal County Council project team.
Feel free to share this good news story with family & friends, a key day for the project & we look forward to delivering this community amenity for the benefit of Lusk & its hinterland.
Lusk Community Sports Group / Lusk Sports (CLG)
Recently at Junsa Taekwondo we held our annual belt grading and graduation
When you start taekwondo, you start as a white belt and as time progresses and you learn new skills and new Poomsae’s (a set of moves that must be performed as part of your training) that range from basic to advanced. We use the grading system to set our students goals and improve their skills.
The grading is full of many different aspects so that if one individual is not as good at one skill but is better in other aspects, then this can give them a great sense of accomplishment.