It’s been another busy month for the committee of the DP Crossroads Campaign for a Cultural & Youth Center on the Peninsula. Following on from their meetings with FG, SF and Green TDS, they met with Duncan Smith and Darragh O’Brien this month. Both TDs commended the group’s work and strongly supported their campaign. Following this the group met Senior FCC officials and local Councilors to discuss their recently submitted business case. The business case outlines the clear need for this facility and provides solid suggestions on how it would be planned, constructed and operated.
Unfortunately, the council officials are unwilling to move from their previous position that Donabate-Portrane residents use existing facilities. The group are disappointed but vow to continue the campaign and plan to re-engage with the new council following local elections in June.
Meanwhile, the DP Crossroads Team held an Information Day in the Town Center on 26th April. Members of the committee were available to discuss all aspects of their campaign in particular the planning proposals for the peninsula and population forecasts. They had detailed information on how the town has grown over the past twenty years and illustrated the lack of accompanying community infrastructure.
They had some fun displays which allowed residents an opportunity to indicate where they think the site for the center should be. Residents were also given an opportunity to sign the groups petition in support of the new facility and if you missed your chance you can go to