The Donabate-Portrane Heritage Audit was launched recently at local landmark, Stella’s Castle, Portrane by Mayor of Fingal Cllr Howard Mahony. Cllr Mahony and Heritage Office Christine Baker spoke of the importance of Heritage and congratulated Sinéad Begly for such an beautiful publication as well as thanking the many locals who contributed to it. Light refreshments were served and free copies of the audit were presented to those gathered on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Fingal Heritage Office commissioned Sinéad Begley & Associates to conduct a heritage audit of the Donabate-Portrane Peninsula to identify heritage sites and features, and to provide recommendations on the best way to highlight and interpret these. It is intended that this report will provide a framework and promote a strategic and consistent approach to the development of heritage resources and interpretative materials for residents and visitors to the area. The value the local community places on heritage is evident in the action of local groups and individuals involved in recording, communicating, protecting and celebrating the unique character of Donabate and Portrane.