The Parish Hall Committee wishes everyone on the Peninsula a very happy & peaceful Christmas. We hope and trust we are using the resources of the Parish Hall to serve the present and some of the future needs of our growing Parish as best as we can. We are conscious that there are many new people in our community this year and we send you a very special welcome to our Parish.
We collaborate & give some support to a few events & activities which are provided for all of the older & younger adults in the community.
We support the Men’s Shed - music group ‘Gerry & the Plonkers’ to provide a few midday Wednesday concerts a year, in the Parish Hall.
Their recent November concert was just great! With the fantastic Edel Dempsey joining them on her tin whistle and the capable Noel Dowling doing sound.
Please put Wednesday 4th December from 12noon-2pm in your diaries now for their next concert. There will be some very special Christmas tunes included! & of course refreshments.
The 3 dates & times for next years concerts in 2025 are: 12noon-2pm; Wednesday 22nd January; Wednesday 12th February and Wednesday 12th March.
Please put in your diaries; all adults in the area are welcome to come & sing along & dance or just listen & enjoy!
The ‘Music Makers’ led by Noel Dowling & assisted by Sean Collins have also been given support to get over 18th plus plus plus! Into the Parish Hall about twice a month on a Friday night. (See separate article). They have nearly all the ‘music gear’ funded by FCC through a grant so are well set up. A big thanks to our Community Officer from FCC - Rafe Costigan for all his advice & support.
Thank you to all our users for their support. Also, we now have Maria who is assisting in the running of the Parish Hall & we give her a warm welcome.
Finally, a huge thank you to the Parish Office for the great work done in the running of the Parish Hall. If you need them ph: 01- 8434574 in the mornings - please.