Corina Johnston, Local Labour Area Representative is calling on Fingal County Council to initiate an Active Travel Plan for the Donabate and Portrane peninsula. Johnston said; “As an avid walker and cyclist I very much support the concept of the Fingal Coastal Way linking our towns and coastlines. However I am totally opposed to the proposed emerging route in Donabate from Newbridge Park via Turvey Green, Turvey Drive, Beverton and Ballisk for the following reasons: (1)This proposal is at variance with one of the main objectives of the scheme that is to encourage and enhance the Local Tourism Economy. (2) The route diverts the public especially walkers and tourists through housing estates and away from the Village Centre and the Commercial and Historic areas of the village. (3)The residents along the route are totally opposed to the proposed route as it will open up the Turvey estate, which has been a cul de sac since the estate was built over 30 years ago. At the time a proposal to provide an access into Beverton estate via Turvey Drive was successfully resisted by the residents.(4) The opening up of the estate would have major safety and security implications for all properties and especially for young children playing on the public open space and the elderly. I believe the most suitable route is the alternative route from Newbridge park via the Hearse Road/ the new cycle/pedestrian bridge over the Dublin Belfast line and via Smyth’s Pub which is an objective in the Donabate Local Area Plan. Johnston concluded; “I urge Fingal County Council to support my proposals for the alternative route in Donabate and to initiate an Active Travel Plan for the Donabate and Portrane peninsula to be initiated as a matter of urgency to integrate the Fingal Coastal Way, Coastal Walk and all the schemes and to ensure community engagement.