Johnston welcomes defibrillator for Portrane

Johnston welcomes defibrillator for Portrane

Corina Johnston, Labour Party Local Area Representative has welcomed the installation of a much needed defibrillator in Portrane.Johnston said; “I am very pleased that a defibrillator has now been installed in Portrane especially as it can save the life of a person who has gone into Cardiac Arrest. The need for a defibrillator and signage in the area was first raised with me by a resident in Portrane during the first Covid lockdown in 2020. I discussed this locally and it was decided to go ahead and provide one. “Johnston added; “Liam Grogan, the owner of Grogan’s supermarket immediately agreed to locate the defibrillator within the shop, and for a notice to be erected on the outer wall. A local printer offered to do the design and print work the result of which is now on display in Grogan’s, The Brook and Pipers Take Away. “Johnston continued; “An outdoor display and information session on CPR and on the operation of a defibrillator took place on the Portrane Green. This was attended by a number of local people who were very impressed with the presentation. It was agreed that further sessions would be arranged in the coming months and the public will be invited.”Johnston said; “A huge debt of gratitude is due to the resident who initially raised this issue with me and to the Grogan family who have provided the premises . Also to Gerry Neville, our paramedic who presented the course, Jack Caverly, our printer ,Tom Kennedy the engineer for the occasion and to Sean Ryan. Without them, the defibrillator would not have been installed at least at this moment in time.”Johnston concluded; “In view of the potential benefit of a defibrillator where large numbers of people gather I firmly believe that all public houses, supermarkets ,our beaches and all sports facilities should be required to install one on their premises. I intend to pursue this objective vigorously.”

What to do if you come across someone in a Cardiac Arrest.
1 Call 999 or 112
2 Start CPR
3 Ask someone to get Defibrillator if nearby.
4 In the meantime, listen to emergency operator and follow instructions.
5 Turn on defibrillator and follow instructions.
6 Hand over to paramedic team when they arrive.

Defibrillators are located in:- Donabate Portrane Community Centre -Grogan’s Supermarket, Portrane. -Supervalu, Donabate and the grounds of a number of sports clubs and local schools.