Corina Johnston Labour Party Area Representative welcomes the announcement by Fingal County Council of its intention to commence, by late Summer this year, the badly needed and long overdue Turvey Avenue Enhancement Scheme.
Johnston said; “This information was given at a recent Council meeting in response to the following question submitted by my colleague Cllr Rob O’Donoghue on my behalf and is subject to a procurement competition and the appointment of a suitable contractor.
The Council’s reply stated: Tender documents for the procurement of a Contractor are expected to issue to the market this month. Following appointment of the Contractor, works will commence with a target start date on site in late summer. Timelines are subject to a successful procurement competition and appointment of a suitable contractor. Johnston said;”A far back as 2019 Fingal County Council’s Turvey Avenue Enhancement Project went through a public consultation process and the scheme was subsequently approved by the Council. The Council position however was that this scheme would be included with the Portrane Road Scheme (Adjacent to the Boys and Girls Primary Schools) as part of a single tender process. This position was unacceptable as it was obvious that it would take much longer to reach agreement for the Portrane Road Scheme and therefore delay the Turvey Scheme even further. “
Johnston added; “I am delighted that the council have taken on board our views and are now seeking tenders for a single project. The contents of Scheme include: (1) 115×2m footpath Northern Side of Turvey Ave, (2) Road resurfacing. (3) Provision of uncontrolled pedestrian crossing. (4) Re positional of existing bus stop on southern side. (5) Provision of new road gullies to improve drainage.