Johnston welcomes provision of inclusive playground equipment!

Johnston welcomes provision of inclusive playground equipment!

Corina Johnston Labour Party Local Area representative has welcomed the decision by Fingal County Council to provide inclusive playground equipment in the playground at Newbridge Demesne, Donabate. Corina said, “ As part of my submission I proposed that the provision of ability equipment for children with additional needs should be considered within playgrounds to include wheelchair swings and wheelchair roundabouts. Playground equipment should be designed to allow easy access for wheelchair users, incorporating large ramps, sensory play panels, double width slides etc.” Johnston said; “I am very pleased to have received a very positive response from Fingal County Council to a question submitted by my colleague Cllr Robert O’Donoghue on my behalf to the council meeting on 13th January last. Rob asked the Question:“To ask the Chief Executive to consider in this year’s Programme of Works the provision of inclusive equipment in the playground in Newbridge Demesne for children and adults with additional needs so that children of all ages and abilities can play, be challenged and have fun together? ” The Council replied, - “There are several new play items planned for Newbridge Demesne this coming spring including a wheelchair carousel roundabout and additional play panels to be located throughout the playground. This playground also has a mirage swing and a basket swing. The playground manufacturers are constantly in touch as new pieces of equipment are available on the market and it is always our intention to install as many all-inclusive play pieces as possible.” Corina Johnston concluded; “I wish to compliment Fingal County Council for their total commitment to making Fingal fully accessible for everyone. We look forward to the day when all our public parks and playgrounds will have inclusive playground equipment installed and thus enable children of all ages and abilities to play and have fun together.“