Lambay Sports Athletic Club (LSA) Consistently Growing

Lambay Sports Athletic Club (LSA) Consistently Growing

Lambay Sports Athletic (LSA) continues to grow. As a local athletics club we consistently strive towards helping our members to accomplish personal achievements and club acclamations. As a club we welcome all levels of adult and juveniles to join us and offer support to our members who choose to compete in organized events country wide. Some of our award-winning competitors since our last update have competed in NIA Live, our chairperson has won medals for Ireland at the European Masters Indoor Championship in Portugal, all levels of members participated in the Lusk AC 4-mile race in Lusk village, and most recently club members traveled to Bohermeen in Co. Meath to compete in the Bohermeen AC Half Marathon. Our Juvenile Section caters for children and teenagers from age 6 to 18. Our Thursday training sessions continue to grow with almost 70 children training at 6pm and another 50 training at 7pm at the Astro hockey pitch. The younger children’s ‘Little Athletics’ group introduces a fun-based approach to Running, Jumping and Throwing. Our 7pm group, for children born in 2011 and older, focuses on learning to train and compete in all athletics events. Our athletes from U10 and up will have an opportunity to try outdoor competition in a full-size athletics facility in the Dublin Track and Field Leagues in April and May. In addition, we have a plan to run our three-day Summer Camp 2022. LSA are currently in the process of organizing our very own race which will take place on the scenic peninsula of Donabate and Portrane on 22nd May 2022. This will also include children’s events. The club of LSA look forward to working with the local community and inviting their friends from other clubs from across the country to compete. Keep up to date on all the events by following LSA via our social media pages! Facebook Instagram Twitter For additional information on the above please visit our website or pop us an email