Cllr Adrian Henchy has said he is, “ Immensely proud and it was a great honour to have been joined by the the Mayor of Fingal Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh, Chief Executive of Fingal County Council Ann Marie Farrelly, my Council colleague Cllr. Paul Mulville along with the Operations Dept, An Taisce, Community representatives and the staff from the local Shoreline Hotel for the official launch of both the Blue Flag and Green coast award for Balcarrick beach Donabate recently.” The Councillor said, “ 2016 was the last time Donabate beach held the Blue Flag status so it has taken 6 years to regain this much respected and coveted beach award.Blue Flag criteria include standards for quality, safety, environmental education and information, the provision of services and general environmental management criteria. The Blue Flag is sought for beaches, marinas, and sustainable boating tourism operators as an indication of their high environmental and quality standards.” Five beaches nationally were awarded both a blue flag and a green coast award for the 2022 season which were Balcarrick Beach, Donabate, Dublin; Ballinskelligs in Kerry; Salthill and Silverstrand in Galway City and Trá Inis Oírr in Galway. Cllr Henchy added, “ With that in mind it was a double celebration recently with Donabate beach being the only Dublin beach to obtain both the “ Blue Flag” and Green Coast award. Great credit has to go to everyone involved from our local community volunteers, Fingal County Council, Clean Coasts/An Taisce and indeed many more, too many to mention for regaining this very important recognition of both beach cleanliness and high levels of Water quality. Finally I wish to express my thanks also to the Operations Department of Fingal County Council who carried out some improvement works at the entrance to Balcarrick beach including footpath improvements to improve getting onto the beach especially for disability/mobility impaired users of the beach and also the installation of beach shower facilities near the entrance. These small improvements will hopefully in a small way improve all users experiences at Balcarrick beach, Donabate,” Cllr Henchy concluded.