Cllr Adrian Henchy has raised concerns over a proposed new development in Corbalis , Donabate. He said, “In recent days I received notification from Fingal County Council of a planned major Strategic housing development(SHD) for Corballis Donabate. While I fully recognise there is a housing crisis with a critical shortage of both homes to buy and rental properties it is still critically important that all new planning applications are underpinned by equal investment in both physical and social infrastructure. Donabate is already under going significant change and development with a number of planning applications currently been completed and others about to start so time needs to be given to allow these new homes fully integrate into the community.I make no apologies from the outset in declaring if this new application is in anyway both developer led planning and not in compliance with the local area plan, I will be using my voice within Fingal County Council on behalf of my local community Donabate Portrane to request that this particular application goes back to the drawing board.I will be closely studying and examining all the documentation to do with this application in the coming weeks to ensure it is in full compliance with both the Donabate Local Area Plan and the Fingal County Development plan and will be making representation to both Fingal County Council and An Bord Pleanala on behalf of my local community Donabate Portrane. I would urge as many local community groups and residents to carefully examine the plans which can found at (NB: not accessible through this media) From my primarily review of these plans, I am very concerned at the scale of the proposed development, as it is, the largest planning application that has ever been submitted for Donabate. I will be meeting with Fingal County Council planning department and the Chief Executive to discuss this planning application in detail and to express my serious concerns and reservations in relation to the sheer scale and volume of housing given we already have a number of other planning applications currently active in the Donabate area.If you have any queries or you would like more details please do not hesitate to contact me “ (NB: not accessible through this media)