Donabate Parish Hall has over the summer completed some further work on the hall - some internal & external painting was undertaken, the floor was given a top up sand & varnish; but the main work was the installation of special acoustic panels in the ceiling to improve the quality of sound in the hall; in layman’s terms reduce the echo and noise!
This will make the hall a very desirable place especially for Cultural & Creative Activities & Events. The cost of these works was funded by the Parish Hall Committee with grateful assistance from Fingal County Council Community Department. The electrical work to facilitate the installation was done by CP Electrical & Security and the installation of the boards by EK Property Maintenance this was very specialist work and completed to a very high standard by all of the local trades people! A special mention to EV Kidds over a 100years in business in Floor laying & Restoration and easy to see why - they promised to do this extra work for FREE after the hall had had some use and true to their word, came back this summer and did it to an excellent standard.The Parish Hall was back to full swing at the end of August but may still have some availability left for Weekly Activities and in the Cultural & Creative Slot in October & November - any queried to Bernie in the Parish Office in the mornings 01 - 8434574.