Pacers Planned Autumn Walks

Pacers Planned Autumn Walks

On Saturday 14th September the Annual Peninsula Walk from the Parish Hall to the Brook Pub by the Cliff Walk stopping at Wayne’s Cafe at Tower Bay will take place (the long route walkers can add The Burrow loop).

The walk will depart at 13:00hrs -people can use public transport for to arrive at the start of walk and to return back later. This annual walk coincides with the Bleeding Pig Trad & Pizza at the Brook Pub in the late afternoon. Carolyn will lead this walk.

Then the Greystones to Bray walk is on Saturday October 19th this is a challenging new route of 10km. Breda & Carolyn will both lead this walk.

Lastly, a Greenway or Canal flat easy Walk will hopefully take place on Saturday 9th November - all subject to the weather. Breda will lead this walk.

Further info Carolyn on 087-9284307 or Breda on 086-8693243.